What are the signs to know that Allah is pleased with us?


Question: What are the signs to know that Allah is pleased with us so we may continue what we are doing and for not the shaytan to fool us?


BismillahirRahmanirRahim. That is a very good question, because so many times people are doing things and Eh, we are speaking on the behalf of Allah. But Allah swt did not make anyone to speak on His behalf. Out of the billions and trillions and quintillions people that He created, out of that He only chose 124 000 to speak on His behalf.

To speak on His behalf, to stand up for Haqq is something but to speak on His behalf to say, ‘now I am representing Allah swt,’ only 124 000 and these are the Prophets. And the last Prophet (asws), the most beloved one to Allah swt, the reason for our creation, he came and he left physically from this world, but he has left his successors, his inheritors. These are the Sheykhs. These are the EvliyaAllah, that they speak on behalf of the Prophet (asws). They speak on behalf of Allah swt. They are not prophet.

You are doing something and you want to know if Allah swt is happy with you, you are not following a Sheykh, you don’t believe in Sheykh, you believe in Allah, you believe in His prophet, you believe in Allah, you are doing something, you want to know if Allah is pleased with you, very simple, do you make zikr or you don’t? What is this got to do with this? Everything. Because Allah swt is saying what? Ala Bizikrillahi Tatmainnal Qulub – if you want your heart to be satisfied, remember Allah. The heart can only be satisfied if it remembers Allah. So you are doing something but you are not remembering Allah, you are not remembering Allah when you are doing it, you are not remembering Allah when you are going through your life, so you are not sure. Read your heart. Is your heart satisfied? But the heart can only be satisfied when you remember Allah.

You love the Holy Prophet (asws), that is good. Because Allah swt is saying, ‘say to them Ya Muhammad (asws): If you love Allah, you must love me and obey me for Allah to love you. So you want to know if Allah is please with you, are you loving the ones that Allah loves? You are loving the ones that Allah loves, that time Allah will be pleased with you and Allah will love you. There is a condition there. So how are you going to love the ones that Allah loves? When you feel that you are drawn to someone who is teaching you the ways of the Prophet (asws), that is teaching you yourself, that is bringing you out from that mess, that when you sit and when you understand so many things without talking, when you feel very alive, when you feel that I want to stay in this feeling forever, that time you must know that Allah is pleased with you. Because you love one of His friends. Now your journey begins. This is just the beginning. This is not the end.

Love, love, love, love, love. It is just the beginning, it’s not the end. Love is an endless ocean, and it’s a very deep  and a very dangerous ocean. And you must prepare yourself for hardship. So that time when you see the ones that Allah loves, and they are pleased with you, you will know directly that Allah is happy with you. Otherwise you will not know hundred percent. Because you cannot read Allah’s heart and you don’t speak for Allah. But there are some people, they are with Allah and Allah is with them. Like our Sheykh, they are always sitting in Divine Presence, and you know directly then what to do with your life, what is the way of Haqq and  what is the way of batil. Eh, we miss him these days, may we be worthy ones, insya’Allah. Fatiha.

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 Sheykh Lokman Efendi Hz,
Khalifah of SahibulSaif Shaykh Abdulkerim el Kibrisi (qs),
11 Zul-Hijja, 1436H
September 24, 2015

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