For The Sake of Allah, Stand With The Believers


Masjidul Aqsa is still a place of worship. The authorities are not stopping Muslims from worshiping inside Masjidul Aqsa. Not Baytul Muqaddis. Baytul Muqaddis is something else. Masjidul Aqsa is the important one. They are passionate about politics, they are not passionate about truth. And the whole world, the Muslim world has been poisoned by the enemies of Islam to hate the Ottomans, anything to do with the Ottomans. But anything Arab, they will love. Anything Arab they will love. Anything Ottoman, they are not going to.

Last few years, we see it changing, but you are going to see that strike back at the Ottomans also. They are making plans, hiring big directors with a lot of money, just as there is Ertugrul the TV show, just as there is TV show of Yunus Emre which is changing the hearts and minds of the people, because what the Ottomans did was pan-Islamism. Islam is not just countries individually, but everyone of us, we are bound by one brotherhood. So people are starting to wake up to that, to be brothers, one brotherhood. So now, you are going to see a lot of the Arab countries, they don’t like that, because they are in the pockets of other people, they say ‘don’t, as long as you maintain only Islam and Arabism, a lot of people are going to reject it. Perfect, so there is not going to be unity. But if there is something that is Ottoman, everyone is going to be united behind it.’ So now, with all that money and expertise and everything, they are making TV shows to show more lies and slanders about the Ottomans, just as Ertugrul Ghazi is showing the true nature, they are going to show how the Ottomans are as the west they are lying and and slandering for a thousand years. You see them, these Muslim countries, Arab countries, supporting such projects, to change the hearts of the people again. Big money is involved, to show, especially towards the end days of the Ottoman Empire, when there was a lot of confusion, that a lot of people are still confused about what was happening. And they are going to show ‘you see, these are terrorists,’ they are going to say. So we must watch out for that, because it is not the enemy that is outside that we have to be concerned about. It is the enemy that is inside. If you are concerned about the enemies that is outside and you are protecting, but you are not protecting yourself from the enemy inside, then everything will be sabotaged. Everything will be worthless.

So this is Tarikat training. The enemy inside is our ego, our sheytan inside. Don’t look too much to the outside. So if you have this Tarikat training then with everything else, with politics, with family, with dynasties, with anything that is concerning the dunya, you will also look for that. Your allies, yes, but those who are against you, and those outside and inside. And you have to look at everything, to make sure everything is correct. If you don’t have that, then you are the most foolish one, and the believer cannot be foolish. Those ones who are cursing at the Ottomans and cursing at Sultan Mehmet Fatih, ohh, they are in very very big trouble. And those Muslims governments who are supporting them, to let them to live in their countries and not to say anything, they are going to be in very big trouble also. We are watching, we are hoping for good things to happen. A couple of good things happened, but if you’re not standing up now for Haqq, if you are not taking out the enemies that are inside of you, you are going to be in trouble too. These regimes, do you understand?

So, MashaAllah. Yes, when it comes to Israel, for instance, ohh, no Muslim organization says ‘oh, we don’t make any official statement, we don’t make any policies, we don’t discuss politics.’ When it comes to Israel, everyone is rising. But what happened? Why are you not rising against, for example, the Uyghurs? A million of them, they are getting tortured. Oh, because you are supporting governments who make a lot of business with that one. Oh, I see. So it’s not Haqq. You are not standing up for Haqq. You are standing up for dunya. And when we see them, you are going to get very disgusted by them, the people with Nur they are going to see. The people who are just Ahli dunya and they are just rushing after the dunya and they want it, they say ‘well, it’s just a matter of a difference of opinion, brother.’ For us, if a leader was to make a big mistake, especially a religious leader make a big mistake, it’s not a matter of opinion. It’s a matter of character and a matter of belief. Some scholars, they are cursing at Mehmet Sultan Fatih and people are saying ‘yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s very bad, that he’s doing that, but we’ve been following him for 20 years, but he says other good things too. Let’s not look at the bad thing, and let’s look at the good thing.’ It’s just like you saying ‘let’s not look at the enemy that is inside, look at the good things that are inside.’ Before long, everything is just going to crumble. You are being a munafiq. But Muslims have been brainwashed to be like that, so, MashaAllah, so diplomatic, so soft, so intellectual, so objective, so rational. SubhanAllah. No spirit, no faith. Same Muslims, if they were to see the Sahabi e-Kiram, they are going to say to the Sahabi e-Kiram ‘brother, please, this is not Islam. This is not Islam.’ They are going to say that.

So we have to be careful who we are with. Stand on the side you are comfortable with, stay there. For the sake of Allah, stand with the believers. Don’t say ‘well, it’s a matter of opinion. I want to be believers and unbelievers.’ Then everything is corrupted, do you understand? Outside, yes, you have to be like this or like that, I’m not talking to hate them, I’m talking about Muslims who are being more of a hypocrite, they are more dangerous than the unbelievers, like what we say, there are so many unbelievers who stand up for Haqq. It is not a matter of religion now, it is a matter of belief. So when we say unbelievers, we are putting everyone together too. We are not just saying one group. So be with the believers. Spend more time with them. Dedicate your heart to them. Don’t open your heart to all these kinds of nonsense, it’s going to be corrupt. It will corrupt you. Especially to Murids. If you come here, leaving everything to come here to be clean, to be with believers, to be in sohbet, don’t leave everything and to come here and to bring your own dirtiness up here too. Sheykh Effendi gave a sohbet a long time ago, don’t bring your dirtiness to the mountains. When you do that, then you are going to be in trouble. Maybe one year, two years, you are okay, but then after that, what happens? Allah SWT is saying so many times in the Quran e-Kerim, not just warning the unbelievers, not just warning the hypocrites, but He’s warning the believers too, saying ‘O believers, believe.’ O believers, believe. And saying in so many Ayats, ‘what, you are going to turn your backs on belief? First you believe and then you are not going to believe?’

So we are trying to be believers, we must look to see, what are the things that are making our hearts to be busy and making our hearts not to believe. We have to watch. We have to careful. Our Sheykh is so Merciful and kind, it’s not just he’s telling us to watch and giving us every opportunity to watch, but he’s saying openly like this, like this, like this. What is stopping us from doing that? Just ego, just stubbornness. Why the stubbornness happens, especially to Murids? Why the stubbornness happens? Because you have it good. People who are in pain, they are not really stubborn. People who are really suffering, they are not stubborn. People who have nothing, they are not stubborn, right? They are not. Majority they are not. It’s when you have all the bases covered, it’s when you have it good, then you can afford to be stubborn. That’s why the earliest people who were following the Prophets, they were not kings, they were not intellectual people, they were not rich people, they are the poor and the orphans. Because they understood what this world is. Astaghfirullahal azim atubuilaih. May Allah protect us, insyaAllah, from our own selves and make us to be with those ones who are trying to be believers. Al Fatiha. Amin. Selam Aleykum.


Sheykh Lokman Efendi Hz
Khalifah of SahibulSaif Shaykh Abdulkerim el Kibrisi (qs),
Osmanli Dergah, New York

26 Zul Qaida 1441
July 17, 2020


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