Does questioning reality lead a person to a madness?


Question: Does questioning reality lead a person to a madness?

BismillahirRahmanirRahim. No, questioning reality, when you are questioning it according to how Allah and His Prophet wants you to question it, it will bring you to sanity. Then you understand that this reality is madness, that this reality is madness. This is asfala safileen. This is madness, this is a nightmare. With that kind of questioning, you are waking up from that nightmare. It is a nightmare, I mean, ya Hu, look at this world today. Who can say this is a fantasy? So you question this reality, according to how Allah and His Prophet wants you to question. This is called spirituality, this question, this quest. Not just to sit and then to imagine, to take drugs and then to imagine, thinking that you are thinking. You’re not thinking. That time, sheytan is whispering, to teach you how to think. Your ego is telling you how to think. They are opening up certain things, yes you are seeing that, this is away from the five senses, you are entering into different dimensions, but those are the dimensions of lower ones, lower ones, and lower ones. Not higher ones. You think you are going somewhere, you think you are smarter than 124,000 Prophets? They are still working, they are still running, they think they are running, but they are running away now. So far away from their path, now, but they still think they are going in the path of Haqq. How are you going to wake up those people. It’s impossible.

If you question this reality with philosophers’ questions, with drug people questions, so many philosophers they take drugs anyway. At the very least, they drink so much, or they take, so many things they take. Or you question reality according to this movie, they are looking at movie and they think it is so real, it’s bringing them to a reality, you understand how fake it is? You understand how fake it is? Just switch the mode from cinema mode, you put it to let’s say, HD, High Definition, where everything is almost, like, flat. There’s no depth, there’s no cinematography, it’s just like people in front of you talking. You say ‘this is not natural, it’s very fake. Why are they talking like that?’ Or turn off the sound. Turn off the sound. People like that, and you say ‘why are they behaving like that?’ Turn on the sound, they are enjoying themselves, they are dancing up and down. Turn off the sound, they look stupid.

So whose reality you are trying to understand, whose questionings are you trying to take? Take the Prophet’s ways of questioning that reality, it will not bring you to that madness that is destructive. It’ll bring you to a little bit of madness, not too much, just a little bit, to understand that this world is very crazy, and to conform to this dunya it is the biggest craziness, and Allah has said and He had sent Prophets to say ‘run away from this illusion and delusion of this dunya, don’t be crazy, wake up,’ then that time, you are not going to be crazy. You are going to have some clarity, and you are going to be a little bit more free. It may bd difficult sometimes, but you are in the company of those who love Allah, and you are going to be surrounded, not by destruction, you are going to be surrounded by the smell and the lights of Jannat. You will be.

May Allah make us to be in their midst, insyaAllah. Wa minallahu taufiq, Fatiha. Amin. Selam Aleykum.


Sheykh Lokman Efendi Hz
Khalifah of SahibulSaif Shaykh Abdulkerim el Kibrisi (qs),

Osmanli Dergah, New York
23 Zul Hijjah 1443
21 July 2022

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