The Reasons for the Breaking Ummat


The Reasons for the Breaking Ummat

So many things have happened to this nation in the past, let’s say, hundred years. So many things this nation of Muslims, the Ummat, what it means today nobody understands because Muslims are divided, you are divided. You are Pakistani Muslim, you are Turkish Muslim, you are Indonesian Muslim, you are Chinese Muslim, you understand? These things don’t exist, for over one thousand years it doesn’t exist. You are part of an ummat. You are not divided into separate nations that you’re going to fight with each other.

A Muslim he doesn’t need a passport to travel from one Muslim land to another Muslim land, definitely he doesn’t need a passport to travel into the Hijaz to visit the Holy Prophet (AS) and the Baytullah. You can walk, you can travel from the Balkans, Eastern Europe, all the way to the Middle East, all the way to Western China, all the way to Indonesia, he doesn’t need anything, the borders are open. The Muslims were under protection. But hundred years have passed and you see non-stop, non-stop violence, non-stop genocide, non-stop massacres that has been happening to the Muslims. To the non-Muslims it’s also raining. To the massacres that’s happening to the Muslims in the hands of those who hate Islam, in the hands of those who hate Allah, not just Islam but they don’t believe in any religion at all, those who hate Allah (SWT). And Ahir Zaman it becomes even more frightening by those who say, ‘we love Allah,’ but they do everything that is against to Allah. And the first violence that they do is to the Muslims. We are commemorating the Massacre of Srebenica, twenty-four years have passed.

When there’s no shadow, it’s very hot. When there is a shadow, even in the hottest times there is still coolness. The Khalifa, it is a shadow of Allah on earth. When you remove that shadow then everything is sarting to burn then that time. The Muslims over a hundred years ago, we say, ‘we don’t want that shadow of Allah, we don’t want anyone,’ because the Muslims stopped thinking of ummat as an ummah, they start thinking of nationalism. Arabs for Arabs, Europeans for Europeans, Indians for Indians, and then later Indians and Pakistanis, then later Indians and Bengalis, never finishing. Everyone starts pulling from each other, everyone start attacking each other and there is no more unity, two billion Muslims. So much wealth, so much technology, so much education, so many, so much resources, we can do nothing. We are the most helpless. There were times when we didn’t have much, but we had leadership. And we had blessings coming because of that leadership, and Allah opened east and west, north and south. Then we take that and we use it justly and that justice and that mercy, not only in Muslim lands, it went everywhere.

But when Muslims stopped understanding that we are spirits first and then flesh later, when Muslims start thinking, ‘we are flesh first and then spirit later, we are color first and then faith later,’ and they are ruling themselves like that, then it’s so easy, so easy for our enemies now to come and to cut us down. And we are seeing that, continuously we are seeing that, and the rest of the Muslim nations they will not lift one finger to help because they are saying, ‘that’s a Bosnian problem, that’s a Kashmiri problem, that’s an Arab problem, that’s a this problem,’ they don’t think it’s a Muslim problem. And they say, what’s in it for me, as Arabs? What’s in it for me as Europeans? What’s in it for me as this or that? So they’re not doing it for the sake of Allah anymore. It is continuing, and may Allah keep us in safety, this ummah will continue to break until Hz Mahdi (AS) appears to put everything together. We must try to live properly, as an Ummat, not as a nationality. When you see so many different groups, so many different people, so many different colors coming together, and it is not easy, and the most easy thing is to stick with your own kind, but what are we, animals? What is our kind? Human. Beyond that, there’s some stupid post I’m seeing, they say, ‘what is the greatest religion? Some say it is Christianity, some say it is Judaism, some say it is Hinduism, some say it is Islam. The greatest religion is humanity.’ Breh, you idiot. A spirit it is beyond anything else, so it is not even humanity, it is your spirit, it is your spirituality, because humanity you’re still seeing you’re human. Don’t you know we came from somewhere? And we are going to go back to that.

If you still cannot understand what is that spirit, Muslims don’t understand, it is not according to your flesh, it is according to your spirit, your faith. If you don’t understand that, then there will still be trouble, always. There will still be division. Allah keep us in safety, and Allah bless all those ones who lived for His sake and who passed for His sake, and may we learn from this, so many are not learning from this. Look to see, so many disasters happening to the Muslim nation, look to see, are we learning from this? If you learn you become better, are we becoming better. Disaster after disaster happening, are we becoming better? No, we’re becoming worse. Why is that? Because we’re still trying to fix this, the flesh, we’re not fixing the spirit. We’re not fixing our realtionship with Allah, then we cannot hope to get too much success in this dunya and ahiret, not too much success. Look, they deny the Khilafat, hundred years, where is the success? Where it reached us? What, you’re going to say what? Saudi Arabia? That is what it means to be successful? Or you’re going to say what? Turkey maybe. Is that what is success? You’re going to say what? India, or no, Pakistan. Or Indonesia.

In our faith, we say, ‘you cannot feel comfortable if your neighbor is in trouble.’ In our faith rights of the neighbor it is very sacred, doesn’t matter what neighbor. That the Prophet (AS) said, ‘Jibrail (AS) reminded me so many times, said to me, ‘watch for the rights of your neighbors, watch for the rights of your neighbors, watch for the rights of your neigbors ya Muhammad (AS),’ coming from his Lord, and he said, ‘I thought the rights of my neighbor is more important than my own rights of my family.’ For over one thousand years that’s how Muslims lived, it’s the rights of the neighbors, it’s not the rights of the family, it’s not. It’s not. If you say the rights of the family is first, did the Prophet (AS) put his family first, before anyone else? Did Hz Hasan and Hz Husain put their family first? If anything, they put their family last. But we finished that, because the family now it is the beginnings of that nationalism. And Islam is saying, ‘yes you have your family, of course you have to take care of them, but the rights of your neighbors now, rights of your neighbors. And in Islam, who is your neighbor? Forty houses to the east, forty houses to the west, forty houses to the north and to the south, that is. But we lost that, especially in the west, no neighbor. Come in, close the door, be by yourself. Alienated, cut-off. There’s no feeling of that, no feeling of that anymore.

It will come back insyaAllah, we have to start living like that. Find one, two, three families around you. Have that kind of love and that kind of understanding, have that kind of following, then we’re making ourselves ready for the time when things are going to change insyaAllah. Fatiha.


stock-vector-vector-vintage-borders-54193183 (2)Sheykh Lokman Efendi Hz    
Khalifah of SahibulSaif Shaykh Abdulkerim el Kibrisi (qs),
Osmanli Dergahi NY
8 Zul Qaida 1440
July 11, 2019
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